Home / Fueling Success in Geneva

Fueling Success in Geneva

Europe, FBO, Geneva

A milestone was met in Geneva this month as the team celebrated the one-year anniversary of their fueling service.

On July 01, 2021, Jet Aviation announced that the FBO had gained a fuel concession from the Geneva International Airport Authority and would immediately expand its service offering to include direct fueling via a factory new fuel truck and dedicated team of trained fuelers.

Today, that team has grown, and continues to grow, to keep up with demand – they uplifted over 8,000,000 liters of fuel in their first year, and now have two dedicated trucks. We were also able to temporarily expand our services to offer SAF at Geneva during EBACE, which took place at Geneva’s Palexpo from 23-25 May 2022.

“Being able to offer a dedicated fueling service meant we could ensure timely fuel service delivery and ultimately support punctual departures,” said Edgar Guerreiro, Senior Director MRO & FBO and General Manager Geneva.

“This was a fantastic development for our services in Geneva, and I want to thank the team for their commitment and motivation towards making this new customer offering a success.”

“This was a fantastic development for our services in Geneva, and I want to thank the team for their commitment and motivation towards making this new customer offering a success. A special word of appreciation to Antonio Moreira, the leader of this project. It would not have been so successful without his outstanding commitment to going the extra mile – and of course, the motivation of his whole team.”  

Well done to the team!


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