Home / Meet Issac Lemos

Meet Issac Lemos

Asia Pacific, FBO, I Am Jet, Sydney

We introduce #IAMJET employee, Issac Lemos, Operations Coordinator at our Sydney FBO


How long have you worked for Jet Aviation, Issac?

I have been working for Jet Aviation in Sydney for just over two years now. I started in June 2017.

Can you briefly describe your job: As an Operations Coordinator at Jet Aviation's Sydney FBO, I provide operational and logistics support for all types of customers while ensuring a high level of customer service is provided at all times. My duties can include any of the following tasks:  marshalling; baggage handling; waste removal; water and toilet services; towing; stairs and conveyor belt services; as well as being responsible for arranging third party services on behalf of aircraft such as slots, fuel, crew / passenger transport, catering etc.

What one word would describe how you approach your job?

Forward-thinking – or is that two?! Each day when I walk in the door I have to plan and strategize for the day ahead, I take great pride in knowing what our customer wants before they have even asked. There are so many factors that we have to account for such as aircraft type, how aircraft will be parked and what services they require, so I approach each day with a clear mind and a positive attitude.  

“I approach each day with a clear mind and a positive attitude. I take great pride in anticipating what our customers need before they even have to ask”

What is a typical day?

A typical day at FBO would involve a mixture of ground handling and servicing of aircraft for arrival / departure in and out of Sydney for both domestic and international flights. It would also involve answering emails from clients about upcoming flights.   

What do you enjoy most about your job?

The thing that I most enjoy about my job would be the diversity of work we do. I provide logistic support for aircraft which is administration work however, I also provide the ground handling and ramp services for the aircraft that come to our port. It is this diversity in my job that keeps me motivated.

And what do you enjoy about working for Jet Aviation?

The thing that I enjoy most about working for Jet Aviation is, working with the dedicated and experienced staff. Many of our coordinators have years of aviation experience and have worked in the industry most of their career.  Aviation has always been a passion of mine and being a part of this industry really is a dream come true.

What are the main challenges you face in your role?

The main challenge that we face is the non-scheduled nature of the business. Private and charter flights have ever changing schedules and are not always constant like many commercial airline flights. This means that we have to be very adaptable to deal with these changes.

What would be the most memorable event or highlight of your career at Jet Aviation – and what made it special?

The most memorable event for me would be the 2BASG (B737) Australian tour. This moment for me was the first time I became the primary point of contact for an airline category corporate jet doing multiple flights in and out of Sydney both domestic and international. This was a rewarding experience for me as I was able to apply my training and experience to multiple live movements.

If you could describe working at Jet in three words, what would they be?

Enjoyable, Educational and Supportive – Every day is different and has its own challenges that you will have to overcome.  The variety of work we do each day is what makes our FBO so enjoyable to be part of. Jet Aviation has also always encouraged me to grow my knowledge and skills. I feel lucky to have the opportunity to learn from so many experienced team members here in Sydney's FBO. And, of course, the Jet Aviation team at Sydney's FBO is very supportive of one another. Teamwork is key in our day to day operations so everything can run smoothly. Having such a supportive environment makes me appreciate the people and the company I work for.


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