Our Commitment to Sustainability
From Sustainable Aviation Fuel and sustainably built buildings, being a good corporate citizen is a part of everything we do. Our commitments contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to help shape a better world.
Work and Economic Growth
Behind every company is a community. We are dedicated to supporting the economic growth of our local and global communities by providing equal employment opportunities for everyone.
- Foster a productive, efficient, and motivated global workforce
- Training & Development programs
- Apprentice Programs

Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure
In 1967, we were pioneers in business aviation. Today, we continue to support innovation in new technologies that help our industry stay at the forefront of sustainable aviation.
- Innovation Steering Committee
- Weight and sound technology advancement
- Academia / Partner / Industry collaboration

Climate Action
From providing our customers with sustainable choices wherever possible, to reducing the environmental impact of our infrastructure and processes, Jet Aviation is committed to supporting efforts to reduce our industry’s carbon footprint.
- Permanent Sustainable Aviation Fuel supply
- Sustainable Aviation Fuel Book & Claim Scheme
- Facilities built to LEED standards
- Reduction in single-use plastic
- Site recycling programs
- Waste management systems